To invite friends to a “Jam” or “Blend” on Spotify, you can follow these steps:

Creating a Blend:

  1. Open Spotify:
    • Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to “Blend”:
    • Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom of the screen and search for “Blend.”
  3. Create a Blend:
    • Tap on “Create Blend” and select a friend you want to invite to the blend. Your friend will also need to have Spotify to participate.
  4. Send the Invitation:
    • Once you’ve selected your friend, Spotify will send the invitation. Your friend will receive a notification to join the blend.

Using Jam:

  1. Open Spotify:
    • Launch the Spotify app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to “Jam”:
    • Tap on the “Search” tab at the bottom of the screen and search for “Jam.”
  3. Create a Jam Session:
    • Tap on “Start a Jam Session” and select the friend you want to invite. Your friend will need to have Spotify to join the jam session.
  4. Send the Invitation:
    • After selecting your friend, Spotify will send the invitation. Your friend will receive a notification to join the jam session.

By following these steps, you can easily invite your friends to a Blend or a Jam session on Spotify, allowing you to share and enjoy music together.

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